How can I help the ACDT?
Organise a fundraising activity.
It could be a cake sale, a sky dive, a dancethon or any other exciting and fun way that you can raise money and awareness for the work we do at The Africa Childrens Development Trust.
You can set up a Just Giving page for your event and we can help you promote it too!
We’ve had lots of people do all sorts of amazing activities and we are so grateful to each and everyone of them!
Make a donation.
Sometimes things just touch your heart and resonate with you but you are not in a position to organise an activity but you would like to help.
Making a donation either as a one off or a regular monthly donation can make such a huge impact in our work.
A mosquito net costs just £2.50 and we can feed a school meal to one of our pupils at Ndeeba Primary for a whole school year for just £21.
For larger donations and if a particular project is important to you, you can specify exactly where you would like your donation to be used and we will do our very best to accommodate this.
We can then provided photos of your donation in action and making a difference.
Just click the DONATE button above or CONTACT US if you have a specific request.
Bequeath to us in your will.
I know it’s not a topic that is fun to discuss, but often people consider leaving money to charitable organisations as part of their will.
Maybe you could consider the Africa Childrens Development Trust in your will, and leave an amazing life changing legacy.
Please get in touch for any information you may need from us to bequeath to us in your will.
We promise the money you leave us will be spent wisely and impactfully.